Foxham Dog Field

Address: Hare Street, Chippenham, SN15 4NA

Here are just a few examples of when Foxham Dog Field can help you and your dog:

You need a safe and secure place to exercise and allow your dog to play and run free, off-leash.

You need a safe and secure place to train and/or practice recall training, as well as many other types of dog training, without interruption.

Your dog doesn’t have a reliable recall.

You’ve recently added a new puppy, rescue dog, or a new four-legged friend to your family and you’re not sure how they will react to other dogs/people, so you want somewhere to exercise without worrying what might happen.

You have a reactive dog and want a safe area to exercise, with peace of mind that you won’t be bothered by other dogs – no more trying to keep your dog calm and under control while someone else’s dog bounds over to greet you.

You’re a dog-sitter, dog walker, or trainer looking for a secure field where you can exercise and/or train without distraction or interruption.

How big is the field?

1 acre

Is there any agility equipment?


How many dogs are allowed?

Up to 8 dogs

How tall are the fences?

4ft in some places and 6ft in others

What is the parking like?

There is off road parking for cars

Are there any water facilities?

Tel: 07789 986660

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